Bedroom Observation

Words: 317
Pages: 2

Nick Vreeland
Mrs. Nikkel
ELA - 2nd
6 October 2017

The fat lady walks into the elevator and pushes the stop button. “Hello Martin.” She starts talking to him like he was her son, asking all these questions about school and how his life had been since his mom left. Martin is nervous about answering her. “Who is she, why did she stop the elevator, what is she going to do?!” Martin thought to himself. He wearily answers, “Schools good.” SNAP! “What was that!” Martin yells. “I think one of the cables broke, we are going to fall!” Terrified Martin starts crying, the elevator creaks down slowly and speeds up very slowly. The fat lady starts trying to pry the doors open with her hands. She does it! The elevator keeps getting faster and faster. She