Bedside Care Case Study

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Pages: 5

Bedside Care Tips for People with Little to No Leg Strength

People with little to no leg strength are either saddled with a temporary injury or permanent disability. They could also suffer from a chronic condition that requires bed confinement, as in the case of many older adult patients or those who are still healing from a fracture or leg surgery.

Being temporarily or permanently bedridden, however, entails many health issues. As the person has little or non-existent mobility on her legs, she will need to rely on someone else's help in aspects of physical fitness, grooming, hygiene and overall well-being.

Do Leg Exercises

Limited or non-existent activity results in muscle weakness, which can happen to someone who has to stay in bed for a long period. With little or no movement, the muscle mass on the
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Put towels under the person on the bed and cover her with a light blanket or a towel as she undresses. Ensure that she won't fall off the bed.

Fill the basin with warm water and a few drops of alcohol, then wet a washcloth to pat onto the skin. Wash, clean and finish the upper extremities first and then do the lower extremities after. Use a separate wet washcloth with soap to clean out the neck, behind the ears, arms, armpits and chest, behind the knees, the legs, ankles and feet. Properly rinse out with a separate wet washcloth.

Change the water and use another set of washcloth for cleaning the genital area, which should be washed last. It might be necessary to carefully bend the knees slightly on the bed as she lies to properly clean the front and back side of the genitals.

Towel dry off completely and changed into new clothes and underwear. Apply moisturizer or lotion to prevent dry skin. Remove all wet towels and bathing items, and then dump the water basin