Being Pregnant Research Paper

Words: 701
Pages: 3

Being pregnant doesn’t mean everything is going to be fine and you will never feel sick over other health issues. As a matter of fact, your immunity as a pregnant woman is going to be weakened, so it is wise to always be prepared for anything. In case you don’t know about how taking OTC (over-the-counter medication) works during pregnancy, have a look over this article and find out what you could take and most important when. Some medicines are good for your pregnancy, others aren’t as the effects over your unborn baby are truly unknown.
First of all, when you meet with your doctor, ask him or her what would be good and not good to take. Also, ask about the alternative meds you could take while carrying. He or she will think a good treatment for you, keeping your body 100% safe so that you can deliver properly. It is important to tell your doctor about any supplements or medicines you may be taking. It doesn’t matter of the label says “natural”, they are still interfering with the physiology of your body. And even if you get new treatments, make sure to tell the doctors you are pregnant so that they know what to prescribe.
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It is always important to take prenatal vitamins. As said before, when it comes to natural remedies and herbal supplements, it is always safer to ask the doctor about them, as they have not been proven to be safe for pregnant women. Usually, it is safer not to take OTC medicines while pregnant, no matter