Bill Taylor Integrity

Words: 511
Pages: 3

As Bill Taylor explained in his letter, integrity are something an individual builds up on a daily basis.The expectations of students' integrity is something set very high, because they will one day go into their careers and prove all their values. If in any case, a student finds a way to get away with such dishonesty, it can hurt many of the practices put together in their career. It could even put at risk their career integrity and lose the hold of the degree earned. Many students may not be aware of how in just a click of a second their values and careers can be put at risk with such misconduct. I unfortunately acted inappropriately to an assignment and had to suffer the consequences. I was guilty of plagiarizing an assignment and failed Bill Taylor's beliefs. Starting by being defeated in …show more content…
Now, I wished I had never gotten overwhelmed with my personal and academic issues, since it led me into a shaddy part of my life. I was although, appropriatly encountered by the faculty members of the Biology Department, and was informed of my inadequte work. They made me aware of the consequences of the situation and did not made me feel worse about the mistake I had made. I failed at completing an assignment that did not demonstrate my effort and own ideas. This was due to working in a group and misconstrued what working as a team really meant and was not precautious of the situation. I acted upon the quickest result found at the moment to attempt heal my anxiety. Bill Taylor expressed how professors expect for students to give credit to those who are the original authors of their concept by citing their resource. This could allow the professor to look into that particular resource used in case of any concerns left behind. Working in a team does not mean to write everything out of a certain person's knowledge, students instead should share and clear their