Body Fat and Eating Disorder Paper

Submitted By shortiee86
Words: 657
Pages: 3

Obesity epidemic, is what is going on with today’s society. Instead of children being outside playing with their friends, adults outside working around the house, the newer generations are staying inside while playing video games and just plain out being lazy. Also, with today’s generation of always being on the go, there is no time to eat and work out properly. This tends to have people to make poor eating habits and will eat a lot more fast food instead of a healthy home cooked meal, which in the long run weight becomes an issue. While being constantly busy and on the go of all hours of the day and night it also means less time for exercise, which doesn’t allow extra calories to be burned. Placing all these issues together it’s causing an obesity epidemic, more now than ever. According to "Body Fat An Health Risk" (2014), “Too much body fat: Increases the risk of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and certain cancers. When located around the abdomen, increases the risk even further of developing the above conditions”. Diseases with excess body fat tend to get worse as the amount of body fat increases. It’s important that than the amount of fat is where the fat is located on the body. It fat is located in the abdominal area it’s associated with an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. According to "Body Fat an Health Risk" (2014), “a waist circumference of 40 inches or more in men and 35 inches or more in woman is associated with significantly increased disease risk”.
According to "Anorexia Nervosa Health Center" (2014), “Anorexia nervosa is a type of eating disorder. People who have anorexia have an intense fear of gaining weight. They severely limit the amount of food they eat and can become dangerously thin”. People who have anorexia: weigh much less than is healthy or normal, and their lives become focused on controlling their weight. They may also obsess about food, weight, and dieting, exercise a lot, even when they are sick, and vomit, use laxatives, and/ or water pills to avoid weight gain. According to "Bulimia Nervosa Health Center" (2014),” Bulimia can develop after a person has followed a very restrictive diet. Binging may also be triggered by a stressful event, when food gives you a sense of comfort. Feeling guilty and ashamed of binging can cause you to purge to avoid weight gain. This starts the cycle of binging and purging that becomes a habit”. Health problems caused by bulimia include: Tooth decay, toothaches, swollen gums, and gingivitis, osteoporosis, arrhythmia, Dehydration, low blood pressure and