Cell Phones While Driving Research Paper

Words: 544
Pages: 3

Some states have now made it illegal to use a handheld cellphone while driving. When I was younger, my mother had a friend who lived next door to us, her name was Mary Picante. Mrs. Mary was married to a man named John, and there were expecting to have a child, but Mrs. Mary would use her phone while driving. One day as she was driving to work she looked at her cell phone, and didn't see when the car in front of her put on its brakes. It should be illegal in all states to use a cell phone while driving because leads to negative consequences for the nation, states, and individuals. Younger drivers might argue that they are good drivers and know how to use their cell phones while in the car safely. But there is no safe way to drive and use a …show more content…
On the interstate, if a driver looks at his cell phone for ten seconds, he has just driven the distance of two foot ball fields, blind. Using a phone while driving is even worse than drinking and driving, at least when someone is intoxicated and driving they are looking at the road. No matter where you are driving, or how good of a driver you are, looking down at your cell phone can be a fatal mistake. On the national level, thousands die every year as a consequence of cell phone related car accidents. Most of these accidents could have been prevented if only the drivers had not been using their cell phones. And worse still it has become easier to use cell phones in the car, some car companies are now including special outlets in cars that allow drivers charge their cell phones in the car, and devices that hold your phone for you. Making it easier to use a phone in the car will only increase the chance of an accident, that could be avoided. On the state level, consequences of using cell phones can now include incarceration. Some states are now passing laws against the usage of cell phones in cars. Being caught using a cell phones in on of these states can lead to fines, revoking of