Character Analysis Of Brother In The Story 'Scarlet Ibis'

Words: 330
Pages: 2

Anyone who says they have never fought with their sibling is not telling the truth. Even though they might have mostly good times, all siblings fight. It is bound to happen because they live together. In the story “Scarlet Ibis”, Brother was nice to Doodle sometimes but sometimes he was very nasty.
Brother was a nice brother to Doodle some of the time. For example, Brother taught Doodle how to walk. This shows that even though it was for a selfish reason, it also benefited Doodle. This also shows that Doodle was able to be self-sufficient for the rest of his life because he could walk. In addition, Brother did a lot with Doodle. This shows that Brother took Doodle with him in a wagon almost wherever he went. This also shows that Brother taught