Characteristics Of Benvolio In Romeo And Juliet

Words: 312
Pages: 2

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Benvolio is a unique young man. He avoids fights, tries to help his friends, he is honest, he is mature, and he is compassionate. These characteristics are peculiar, especially considering Benvolio's age and who he chooses to consort with. Most young men, whether they are older than Benvolio or not, tend to start fights and lie. Even adults tend to be immature and they typically are not compassionate towards others. It is truly surprising that Benvolio is mature, taking into account that he consorts with Mercutio.
Unlike numerous men his age, Benvolio attempts to avoid fights when possible or he tries to break them up if they have already. For example, Benvolio attempts to break up the fight between Sampson