Chinatown Comparison

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Pages: 7

Different places, different cities, and different people exist in our society. Our society is very diverse in the city of Los Angeles. One very interesting and specific ethnic neighborhood in the Los Angeles area is Chinatown. Chinatown is a well-known peaceful neighborhood that attracts many tourists, which I was able to visit for my project. I was fortunate to have met three special individuals who were very friendly and respectful. Exploring Chinatown was a great experience while doing some homework. One learns a lot from simply visiting a neighborhood and interacting with its people. As you will see they all have some similarity and differences. Based off my observations, the area of Chinatown was filled with an aroma of different foods …show more content…
So after my interviews I decided to explore more of Chinatown. Based off what my interviewees told me was very true. As I strolled through the streets of Chinatown everyone seemed to be very polite and were minding their business. I went inside stores and everyone was helpful though many people had heavy accents. Many individuals were selling jewelry, food, and clothes. Many of the restaurants I walked by smelled good especially the bakeries. Though, I am Hispanic nobody seemed to mind me strolling through his or her store. Once thing I did notice is that in their stores they mostly had dragons and bamboos. Being Hispanic we have special holidays we celebrate. We celebrate Day of the Dead and they celebrate Chinese New Year. They also wear special clothes they wear that some people sold there. They are very colorful and come in many different colors. In Chinatown stores are not the only things there. There are banks and people living in the area. Schools are nearby and their community is the same. Their thinking is also different form a typical American. Some are close-minded for example they only see a man and a woman getting married not two people of the same sex. They strongly believe in good luck because as I walked into stores and asked about beautiful bracelets they always responded that they were for good luck. I also saw people selling statues of dragons, which I also asked and meant power or strength. It was fun learning and talking to different individuals from