Christopher Columbus Accomplishments

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Pages: 3

In 1451, Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy. He worked his entire life on ships and has been credited for finding the Americas. Without his navigational and mathematical studies Columbus would not have had the knowledge or skills needed to be an explorer. Even though Columbus did not truly discover the Americas, he was credited with it and goes down in history as one of the greatest explorers of all time. Christopher Columbus had a lot going for him in his early years, later in life and was very important to the fifteenth century. In Columbus's early years he was given a job on a merchant ship. He worked on the ship until French pirates attacked and sank the ship. Columbus was very lucky to be alive as articles say he drifted …show more content…
He reached Santa Gloria, Jamaica in 1504. Columbus was trying to convert non-christians to christians. There he and a companion wrote two books. Shortly after this he was taken to jail. He was only forty-eight when he went to jail. He went to jail due to many reasons, slavery was one of the main ones. On his third voyage, he treated people very poorly. He took people that were to be described as peaceful and kind. He sold five hundred of the into slavery. This led to his imprisonment. Eight years later Columbus died on May 20, 1506. He suffered long term illnesses that showed up on his first voyage. His son Fernando said that his death was caused by any joint pain, or gout. Further study by a doctor said it was really caused by Reiter's Syndrome, a rare tropical disease. Columbus was originally buried in Valladolid, but was later moved to Seville. When his oldest son died he was buried next to his father. Later his oldest son widow had them both moved to the cathedral in Santo Domingo on Hispaniola. After this he was once again moved to Havana, Cuba. Then finally back to Seville. Christopher Columbus was not the first by all means to discover the Americas. Vikings had discovered the new land in the eleventh century. His journeys however did start up centuries of exploration. Since the Americas did not have all the diseases Europe had it caused many deaths. Even though death was all over Europeans continued