Colonialism And Freedom Revolution Analysis

Words: 1274
Pages: 6

Gandhi's basically advised Victor not to rush into technologically oriented development; first make sure what impact it will have on employment and through this on the well-being of the poor people. On the other hand Victor assured him that poor people “could be employed in the textile mills and earn more money. We could export our cloth and earn foreign exchange.” (Singh, 49) Then Victor set textiles mills at first, then Sugar mills followed by factories to produce chemicals, cement and bicycles, before finally investing significant capital in shipping. “Modernize or perish was the motto he gave to Indian industrialists.” (Singh, 60) And within a few years of India's independence, he becomes the country's biggest tycoon.

Out-shout the ideologues of colonialism and freedom struggle

Throughout all this, Victor kept himself detached from the uproar of freedom struggle. Neither he was a supporter of British Raj, nor did he have a flair for politics. People were out-shining and out-shouting ideologues of colonialism everywhere in the country at large scale but

“To victor it was more important to industrialize India, to make it economically strong. Because what freedom could there be without that?” (Singh, 61)
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He wanted to produce more electricity to bring light in every house and to drive gadgets and machines; lay good roads, highways and rail lines to connect all cities, towns and villages. He wanted to manufacture all products from small to oversize in the country itself for the betterment of country. Victor provided funds to congress leaders whenever they needed and approached him for that through Gandhi as his enterprises were making record profits. He proved himself a freedom fighter who worked for the economy of the country as, “he didn’t want a free India to start off as a backward, impoverished nation.” (Singh,