Communism In Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto

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Pages: 3

The idea of Marxism was first seen when Karl Marx wrote and published The Communist Manifesto. This book predicted that there would be a massive uprising that would overthrow an existing ruling class and establish a regime based on his ideas. The people of the revolt he referred to as the proletariat or urban working class and bring down the capitalist system. Unfortunately for Marx this prediction was not realized in his lifetime It was not until the brutal fighting in World War 1 that the communist uprising was achieved in Russia. In 1917, the Germans transported Vladimir Lenin into Russia to overthrow the current regime. In September of 1917, there was rioting against the government occurring across Russia and culminated in the imperial guard launching a coup to seize control. The revolt was put down but this caused Lenin to see the weakness in the provisional government. In November of that year forces under the command of Lenin seized key government installations in the capital. Then loyal member of the russian …show more content…
While Lenin was capable of having people assassinated to serve his political agenda, Stalin took this to another level. Stalin maintained his power by suppressing criticism and by authorizing a purge of party members that had competing views. Stalin had 70 percent of the Soviet National congress executed between 1934-1939. This differed from Lenin who allowed his Bolshevik opponents to remain in their posts under a close eye. This was a complete break from Marxism, which saw the party as leading everybody into the new future. However, Stalin practically destroyed the party with his massive purges. While Stalin may have deviated from Marxism his policies forced industrialization and led to rapid industrial growth. People were then better educated and had more food and material goods, but this came at the cost of thousands of