Compare And Contrast Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

Words: 474
Pages: 2

Natural selection is a process in nature in which organisms possessing certain genotypic characteristics that make them better adjusted to an environment tend to survive, reproduce, increase in number or frequency, and therefore, are able to transmit and perpetuate their essential genotypic qualities to succeeding generations. It is the process by which heritable traits that increase an organism’s chances of survival and reproduction are favored than less beneficial traits. Originally proposed by Charles Darwin, natural selection is the process that results in the evolution of organism. Darwin was the first to arrive the theory of natural selection. In 1859, Charles published on the origin of species, he had drawn behavior of the ways humans and animals acted. He had concluded that the behavior of humans is similar to the natural world. He believed that humans share many traits with the natural world. Darwin came upon this theory 20 years ago during his travels on his trip. On his journey he went to a country called Galapagos. Darwin had identified 13 species of finches in Galapagos, but Darwin only knew one species of birds in the mainland. Darwin observed the species and differed the species from their beak shape. He also said that the beak was associated with their diets. He concluded that when the …show more content…
He quotes that there are finite number of resources, therefore making him a neo-Malthusian. 2) due to natural selection there is never over population of animals, because some will be eliminated at a young age due to envirments. 3) due to limited resources, all life struggle to survive, but only the superior ones survive. 4) those that have some characteristics are useful in living in the envirment increases their chance of survival, and produce more offspring with the favored that pass to the next