Constitutional Rights Essay

Submitted By tacololtaco
Words: 9322
Pages: 38

Constitutional Rights Project

By: Cory Nguyen
Constitutional Rights Project

By: Cory Nguyen

Table of Contents

1. 1st – Freedom of Religion 2. 1st – Freedom of Speech 3. 1st- Freedom of Press 4. 1st- Freedom of Assembly 5. 1st- Freedom of Petition 6. 2nd Right to Keep and Bear Arms 7. 4th Freedom from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures 8. 4th Search Warrant Based on Probable Cause 9. 5th Grand Jury Indictment in capital cases 10. 5th Double Jeopardy 11. 5th Self Incrimination 12. 5th Due Process of Law 13. 5th Eminent Domain 14. 6th Right to a Speedy Public Trial 15. 6th Trial by impartial jury where crime was committed 16. 6th Accused must be informed of the nature of the crime 17. 6th Accused must be confronted by witness in court 18. 6th Accused has a right to a lawyer 19. 7th Right to a trial by Jury 20. 8th Bail must be fair 21. 8th No cruel and unusual punishment 22. 9th All powers not stated in the constitution are given to the people 23. 13th Abolished Slavery 24. 14th Equal protection of the law 25. 15th Right to vote 26. 19th Women’s right to vote 27. 24th Eliminate Poll Taxes and literacy tests 28. 26th Lowered voting age from 21 to 18 29. Art I S 9,2 Writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended 30. Art III Treason may be charged if at least two witnesses sight the treason or confession is given by the accused.

Circumcision ban violates religious freedom

"The Seeker: Circumcision Ban Violates Religious Freedom." The Swamp - Chicago Tribune - Blogs. The Chicago Tribune, 16 June 2011. Web. 05 Jan. 2012. <>.

Hesham Hassaballa, author of the blog
Some believe that male circumcision is "genital mutilation." Others believe it is a religious obligation, a sign of the Covenant between God and humanity. Yet, some are so against male circumcision that they placed a proposal on the ballot in San Francisco to ban the practice. Jews and Muslims have objected, claiming that this violates their religious freedom. I tend to agree.
Say a Muslim resident of San Francisco managed to get a measure on the ballot to ban pork, citing the possible health hazards of this meat if it is undercooked? Or, a Muslim places a ban on alcohol on the ballot? There would be uproar, and many would be screaming about "creeping Sharia" and how Muslims want to impose their religious views on the rest of America. Discarding the bombast, this criticism would be rightly placed.
My prohibition against drinking alcohol or eating pork does not give me the right to prevent my non-Muslim neighbors from consuming either. The fact that I choose to follow the dictates of my faith and refrain from eating pork and drinking alcohol does not give me the right to prevent my Muslim neighbors, who are not as religious as me, from consuming either.
That is the beauty of our country: everyone has the freedom to be as religious or a religious as they choose. Islam, in fact, also has this concept. The Quran says, "There is no compulsion in matters of religion."
Of course, I realize that the circumcision of male infants and eating pork are not the exact same thing. But, the concept is the same: it is not right to ban a practice that is well within the mainstream because of a personal disagreement with it.
If you disagree with having your son circumcised, then do not have him undergo the procedure. But, don't prevent your Jewish or Muslim neighbors from doing it because you disagree with it. This is a disconcerting slippery slope.

1. Freedom of Religion

Amendment I protects the right to freedom of religion. This is broken into two clauses: the establishment clause and the free exercise clause. This means that those in the U.S. are allowed to establish religions and are allowed to practice their