Crack Cocaine Research Paper

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Pages: 2

Cocaine is a very powerful stimulant drug. Cocaine is an organic drug, and is not man made. It derives from the leaves of the coca plant. It is made by drying out the leaves, making them brittle enough to turn into a powder-like substance. Cocaine can be used medically, and legally, as anesthesia for surgeries and other procedures.
The way cocaine can be used varies greatly. Sometimes the cocaine is modified into “crack rocks” and smoked. Other times it can be rubbed on the gums. The process of liquidizing it and injecting is another way to use crack cocaine, but the most common use is by snorting. Cocaine mostly comes in the form of a powder; therefore, more people inhale the substance than use it any other way.
Throughout history, cocaine
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This epidemic dramatically increased the number of Americans addicted to cocaine. In 1985, the number of people who admitted to using cocaine on a routine basis increased from 4.2 million to 5.8 million. In the end of 1996, crack was available in almost half of the United States and the District of Colombia. By 1997, crack had spread to all but four states in the US. Since then, cocaine has spread throughout North America into the rest of the world.
PA Law deems cocaine use and/or possession as a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances. Defenses to drug possession charges are as follows; lack of intent or knowledge, prescription from a medical doctor, insufficient quantity of the drug, the defendant has a license to carry the drug or is a medical practitioner licensed by the State Board, drugs did not belong to the defendant, unlawful search and seizure, and entrapment. However, addiction is not a valid defense.
Coke, Dust, Toot, Line, Nose Candy, Snow, Sneeze, Powder, Girl, White Pony, Flake, C, The Lady, Cain, Neurocain, Rock, and Crack are just a few of the street name for cocaine. This drug is an epidemic taking the world by storm, and needs to be taken care