Cultural Competence

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Pages: 1

Cultural competence is the difference that makes great health care. Great health care properly understands and advocates for everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. Therefore, Cultural Competence requires health care providers to understand the differences between cultures and have the knowledge to correctly pinpoint what certain cultures need. Understanding the difference between cultures means understanding, education levels as well as learning beliefs and values relating to health and illness in a culture. Having the knowledge of environmental and biological factors that may influence health or illness of different cultures can be crucial information to help diagnose situations. Through understanding and knowledge we are breaking barriers in communication and health care. With all of these factors in place health care can be effective, fair, and rewarding. …show more content…
In the absence of Culturally Competent health care, patients do not receive the best possible care. Both patients and health care providers become confused and frustrated and no information is gained on the situation. Most importantly is that those with diverse cultures are less likely to seek out health care because they know the difficulties they will encounter. People avoiding the help that they need because they fear not being understood is the biggest pitfall in the absence of culturally competent health