Definition Essay Beauty

Words: 781
Pages: 4

What’s my beauty?
There is more to beauty than what is on the outside, beauty is who we are. We often look at beauty through societies view’s -- the outside appearance. But there is more to beauty than most people know or care about. So what does beauty mean? On “12 Questions on Beauty… Answered by Kids.” 8 year old Sylvie said, “ There are three meanings, first one is looks, like if you are beautiful or ugly. The second is how you are on the inside, like if you are mean or electric, smart, or quick. The third is like music or art, Like something someone makes that is beautiful.” These three examples, let people know what makes them beautiful. First, pretty stuff can make us appear beautiful, or enhance our beauty for example makeup and hair styles. Second, looks, everyone is born with natural good looks, even though some feel the need to put “pretty stuff” on because they feel ugly according to the society’s views. Third, how we are on the inside. This is very important to our beauty:if we want to be beautiful on the outside we need to feel beauty within ourselves as well. Last is music and art. We are able to create. We are all given talents that we often share with those around us who we love. When we take our talents and
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Well these other children seem to have it figured out. Some children tell us that beauty comes from inside. Sylvie says, “Personality, a bit of looks… not that much though, not really. It’s more about who you are and how you treat people.” according to “Babble” Most kids know that there is more to beauty than how the society views it.. But after we listened to these kids, we know what beauty is and we can explain a little bit more. Society’s idea of beauty is shown by “pretty things” or “perfect looks”, but the true definition of beauty comes from someone's actions towards others. When we show our personalities and treat others kindly, others think we are beautiful