Definition Essay: The Definition Of Courage

Words: 934
Pages: 4

By definition, courage is "the quality of mind to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery." Whether it be difficult for everyone to do or a personal obstacle one must overcome, courage is what determine the outcome. Society often says that soldiers, those suffering illness, and those facing adversity are courageous. We live on a planet where everything worse imaginable can happen. Ranging from natural disasters to acts of terrorism by our fellow neighbors. The real courageous people are the ones that go unnoticed. Examples are the countless police officers that de-escalate dangerous situations with suicidal criminals, the firefighters that rescue people and get them to safety. Having courage is to notice the small details leading to a dangerous situation and put an end to it before it gets out of hand. Having courage is to know when the time comes to take a step back and …show more content…
My mother has a story she tells every time. It is a story of how she believes that I became detached from everyone including both family and friends. When I was younger my mom and dad used to be working day in and day out and she would usually leave my sister and me at the time, with nannies. I was about one year old when she would leave me. One day she says, she came back from work usually she would pick me up and feed me, but on that day, she saw that I was not crying like I used to but she never took notice of it. She says that was the day that I withdrew from her. Every time I would hear that story I would always tune her out. Then one day I really listen to what she was saying, and the way she says with such sadness that all this time she had blamed herself for the way that I behave towards her with something that had happened way before I had any memories. I take having the courage to look past the past and looking forward to having a better relationship with