Did Lincoln Support The American Colonization Society?

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Pages: 2

People such as Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were some of the best known members of the American Colonization Society. President Thomas Jefferson supported the goals of the group. President James Madison even went as far as to make room in the budget in order to fund the society. President James Monroe even found the money in order to fund the first colony ("Founding of Liberia”). The ideas and goals of the society were supported by so many well known politicians, but one of the most famous supporters was Abraham Lincoln. Although he supported the efforts of the society, historians do not always inform the public about his views. Many people viewed Lincoln as someone who wanted equal rights for all races. He did not deem it ethically right …show more content…
Some historians have concluded that Lincoln thought about the idea before the Emancipation Proclamation was written, but then decided to not go through with it. Other historians have found records of Lincoln not only supporting the deporting of freed slaves, but he actually wanted to build upon colonies like Liberia (Gordon). Lincoln was wiling to look into places in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. He followed through with his idea throughout most of his political life, and even got funding from Congress in 1862. In order to counteract the idea that Lincoln actually supported the exportation of freed slaves, many historians believe that Lincoln was trying to cause drama while trying to get the Emancipation Proclamation passed (Gordon). Those historians think he used this tactic because it helped gain support from people who did not want the freed slaves living in America. If Lincoln was only using it as a political maneuver, he would have stop talking about the idea of the Emancipation Proclamation was finalized. He continued this idea and even tried to build another settlement like Liberia.