Did Napoleon's Right To Sell Her Land

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Pages: 3

The French did not have the right to sell the land. They did not have the right to sell the land because the land wasn’t their to sell. It wasn’t Thomas Jefferson’s right to buy the land because it wasn’t under Constitution nor was it approved by Congress that he could purchase land. Napoleon had no right to sell the land because it was Indian land they didn’t consult the Native owners.

The land wasn’t French’s land to sell in the first place. It wasn’t French’s land to sell in the first place because the land didn’t belong to them. The land belonged the Native Americans who resided on the land before it was sold. The land was unfairly sold because according to Lies my Teacher Told Me pg.121 it says “ Europeans were forever paying the wrong tribe or paying a small fraction within a much larger nation. Often they didn’t really care; they merely sought justification for theft…The biggest single purchase from the wrong tribe took place in 1803.” (Loewen,121). This statement from Lies My Teacher Told Me is stating that Native Americans were always having their land that they lived on stripped from them or sold without their consent.
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“...The Constitution did not mention the purchase of foreign lands… Nevertheless, Jefferson agreed to purchase the land in belief that doing so was best for the country.” (Deverell, 236). This statement implied that Jefferson didn’t talk to Congress nor get his “treaty” with France approved by them. Jefferson purchasing the land without Congress’s consent/permission was Unconstitutional because executive branch is not allowed to purchase land without ratification . He did not think about his actions that he took when purchasing land without consent of the people who are allowed to purchase