Donation Essay

Submitted By sandhu1990
Words: 1209
Pages: 5

 Open the file in D2L named Lab Assignment #3
 Name your first worksheet tab “DONATIONS”. Give your worksheet tab a colour…any colour.
Objective: To have the ability to enter a donation amount for a donor, and instantly know what level of classification the donor belongs to. Each classification triggers different thank you letters.
1. Build a table (HLOOKUP friendly) and name it Donation. Here are the assumptions you need for your table:
Bronze – Up to $100
Silver – $100 to $399
Gold – $400 to $999
Platinum – $1,000 or more
2. Create a spreadsheet with 3 columns titled: 1. donor name 2. donation amount and last 3. donor classification. Enter what you know:
Barry Bender donates $250
Sue Saran donates $899
Dick Dolan donates $130
Elizabeth Edwards donates $575
Johnny Jipp donates $400
Mary Monahan donates $2,050
3. Build an hlookup formula in the donor classification column that automatically returns the classification for each donor.

 Open the file in D2L named Lab Assignment #3
 Name your first worksheet tab “DONATIONS”. Give your worksheet tab a colour…any colour.
Objective: To have the ability to enter a donation amount for a donor, and instantly know what level of classification the donor belongs to. Each classification triggers different thank you letters.
1. Build a table (HLOOKUP friendly) and name it Donation. Here are the assumptions you need for your table:
Bronze – Up to $100
Silver – $100 to $399
Gold – $400 to $999
Platinum – $1,000 or more
2. Create a spreadsheet with 3 columns titled: 1. donor name 2. donation amount and last 3. donor classification. Enter what you know:
Barry Bender donates $250
Sue Saran donates $899
Dick Dolan donates $130
Elizabeth Edwards donates $575
Johnny Jipp donates $400
Mary Monahan donates $2,050
3. Build an hlookup formula in the donor classification column that automatically returns the classification for each donor.

 Open the file in D2L named Lab Assignment #3
 Name your first worksheet tab “DONATIONS”. Give your worksheet tab a colour…any colour.
Objective: To have the ability to enter a donation amount for a donor, and instantly know what level of classification the donor belongs to. Each classification triggers different thank you letters.
1. Build a table (HLOOKUP friendly) and name it Donation. Here are the assumptions you need for your table:
Bronze – Up to $100
Silver – $100 to $399
Gold – $400 to $999
Platinum – $1,000 or more
2. Create a spreadsheet with 3 columns titled: 1. donor name 2. donation amount and last 3. donor classification. Enter what you know:
Barry Bender donates $250
Sue Saran donates $899
Dick Dolan donates $130
Elizabeth Edwards donates $575
Johnny Jipp donates $400
Mary Monahan donates $2,050
3. Build an hlookup formula in the donor classification column that automatically returns the classification for each donor.

 Open the file in D2L named Lab Assignment #3
 Name your first worksheet tab “DONATIONS”. Give your worksheet tab a colour…any colour.
Objective: To have the ability to enter a donation amount for a donor, and instantly know what level of classification the donor belongs to. Each classification triggers different thank you letters.
1. Build a table (HLOOKUP friendly) and name it Donation. Here are the assumptions you need for your table:
Bronze – Up to $100
Silver – $100 to $399
Gold – $400 to $999
Platinum – $1,000 or more
2. Create a spreadsheet with 3 columns titled: 1. donor name 2. donation amount and last 3. donor classification. Enter what you know:
Barry Bender donates $250
Sue Saran donates $899
Dick Dolan donates $130
Elizabeth Edwards donates $575
Johnny Jipp donates $400
Mary Monahan donates $2,050
3. Build an hlookup formula in the donor classification column that automatically returns the classification for each donor.

 Open the file in D2L named Lab Assignment #3
 Name your first worksheet tab “DONATIONS”. Give your