Drug Treatment Courts-Effective Essay

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Cloud computing is a step forward but is it safe?
Aisha Sidee
Wilmington University
Ethics for computer Professionals

Outline 1. ……………………………………..Introduction 2. ……………………………………..What is cloud computing 3. ……………………………………..Is it Good or Bad 4. ……………………………………..Benefits and Risks 5. …………………………………….Security Issues 6. ……………………………………..Ethical issues 7. …………………………………….Conclusion 8.

Cloud computing is a step forward but is it safe?
Cloud computing is one of the hottest topics these days and a lot of research has been put in place to know how safe it is but are companies really going to start entrusting their most valued information to this new computing style? Maybe yes because so far a lot of companies are going into that direction and it is definitely the present now instead of the future. With this being said cloud computing has also raised a lot of questions about privacy issues that leads into ethical issues. The cloud is the internet and we all know how risky that can be, especially when it comes to entrusting sensitive documents given the threat of constant breach from hackers and criminals and not to mention system crash and other technical issues which can create a nightmare for a business. Information could be monitored and pulled by anyone anytime if the system is breached.
What is cloud computing? Cloud is a metaphor for the internet but when you combine it with computing it gives it another meaning that is still connected to the internet but in a different style and form (Knorr, Grumman). Cloud computing is using multiple server computer through a digital network as though they were one computer. It enables convenient, on-demand network access to share pool of configurable computing resources that can rapidly provision or release with minimal management effort or service provider interaction (Wikipedia). Some analysts and vendors define cloud computing narrowly as an updated version of utility computing: basically virtual servers available over the Internet. Cloud computing is the next big trend and it is best known for its pay per use service.
Cloud computing compose of saas, utility computing, web service in the cloud, platform as a service and managed service providers (Knorr, Gruman).
Is it Good or Bad?
There is no specific answer on whether it is good or bad because it depends on your perception and views. There are mixed views on this. Some people say it is bad because it still has a lot of security issues and it is attracting only western markets. It is also bad because a lot of companies will not have privacy and will be easily exposed for their operations. This also brings the question of ethical issues. With the cloud it is easy to gain access to business files and documents weather they want the government to have access to it or not. It leads to invasion of privacy which is considered an ethical issue depending on how it’s done.
On the other hand some say it is good because of low cost to companies and because people will not commit atrocities when they know their files and docs can be retrieved at any time. Also it will save us from using a lot of resources to make and produce both software and hardware.
Benefits and risks
Cloud computing is still at its early stage and it’s going to develop and more people will switch. With cloud computing companies do not have to invest extra into new machines or equipment. Moreover, with user friendly interface, there is minimum training of staff to learn new software and hardware systems. It’s all still computing as we know it just in a different form and space. Another benefit is its easy, convenient and on-demand network access to share computing resources. It also requires minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
Some of the risks are: lesser privacy under the law, weak security system that are too easy to break into, data lock in and third party control, sever unavailability and