Drugs: Morphine and Regular Street Drugs Essay

Submitted By mAnderson26
Words: 1707
Pages: 7

Prescription drug abuse is a modern day disease. In an estimate, over six million American have abused prescription medication. However, there is no completely accurate way to measure prescription drug abuse. The number is not that important, but the fact that many people suffer from addiction to prescription drugs is. Torn apart families, destroyed lives, and deaths are some of the negative effects. Some people think that by focusing on prescription drug abuse, we may scare physicians away from reasonably prescribing helpful medications for patients who really need them. Prescription drugs can cause negative effects such as addiction, tolerance, physical dependence, and death, thus, anyone taking medication needs to be aware of this hazards.
What is the most common reason people go to the doctor? It is pain. Doctors all over the country wonder how they can prescribe accurate medications so the patient is relieved of pain without becoming addicted to that medication. Many doctors under-prescribe powerful painkillers. They overestimate the potential for patients becoming addicted to painkillers such as morphine and codeine. When doctors limit pain medication, thousands of patients suffer needlessly. Doctors' fear that patients will become addicted to pain medication is known as "opiophobia". The benzodiazepines replaced the barbiturates because they appeared to be at least as effective, with few side effects, and a less chance of causing addiction. Benzodiazepines have been abused all around the world during different periods of time. They have been used as the main drug of abuse as well as part of a polydrug-abuse pattern. Alcohol abusers also abuse benzodiazepines. When combined, the drug interaction that occurs is particularly powerful. Most benzodiazepine abuse is with legally obtained drugs. About half of benzodiazepine abusers were introduced to the drug through medical context. Amphetamines raise mood, increase the sense of energy and alertness, and decrease appetite. A few users react oppositely, becoming drowsy, anxious, and irritable. Some people feel the need to stay awake for long periods of time. Medical interns and long-distance truck drivers sometimes use amphetamines for this cause. The effects wear off after a couple of hours, leaving the abuser exhausted, drowsy, and depressed. Methamphetamine can be synthesized easily. Intravenous use of methamphetamine is usual and tolerance occurs quickly. Larger and more frequent doses become required to achieve the desired effect. A very negative outcome could be that a paranoid type of psychosis would develop. This would cause a loss of reality and delusions of persecution. Most appetite suppressants are stimulants. Patters of use and abuse vary greatly. A therapeutic dose may result in chronic daily ingestion, while use of larger quantities may cause an individual to binge or spree. The more amphetamine, like the appetite suppressant, the greater the chance is of abuse. Stopping the use of appetite suppressants can be difficult for abusers because of withdrawal symptoms like tiredness, discomfort, or depression. These problems have caused many doctors to stop prescribing them. Prescription drugs help patients manage pain, restore balance, control sleep disorders, and fight obesity. However, when abused they can be incredibly dangerous. Three commonly abused prescription drugs are opioids, depressants, and stimulants. Opioids, including morphine and codeine, as well as other related drugs such as Vicodin and Demerol are generally given to relieve pain. When taken correctly, opioids can be used to manage pain without unpleasant side effects. Chronic use can result in tolerance. Long-term use can also be dependence and addiction. Withdrawal can occur when someone stops using the drugs. Symptoms may include restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, and vomiting. Those addicted to opioids are more likely to overdose, which could be fatal.