Ebola Virus In West Africa

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Pages: 3

To start off with where this virus came from, which is West Africa and is located on the Western side of Africa and some countries that are located in this region is Burkina Faso, the island of Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, the island of Saint Helena, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sao Tome and Principe and Togo. With a total of 18 all together. An agency that is helping the United States with this outbreak is the Center for disease control and that is a federal agency that prepares any viral outbreaks in the United States to keep the public health safe. According to DOGOnews.com "Scientists believe the virus spread from animals to humans by infected non-domesticated mammals …show more content…
Overall American hospital workers are educated by the AIDS epidemic and know how to keep themselves safe while treating sick patients. The American system of reporting illness would quickly find the symptoms of an ill patient, allowing them to control and contain the virus. A reason why It's more difficult now to contain the virus is because Doctors and nurses can’t identify Ebola symptoms in their selves more than they can in other patients. Relying on them to monitor themselves predicts they will catch any sign of illness quickly. But the New England Journal research found doctors and nurses with Ebola don’t get to the hospital quicker than other patients. One of the organizations and people who is helping the West African region is the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) by working with the governments of the affected countries and trying to contain the spread of the disease by properly quarantining patients, providing health care workers with the right gear and encouraging the locals to practice better sanitation habits such as washing hands and