Elizabeth Proctor's Pride In The Crucible

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Pages: 1

While Reverend Hale on the other hand urged everybody to confess to their sins in order to save their lives. He said to Elizabeth “It may well be God damns a liar less than he that who throws his life away for pride" (Miller 132). But Proctor would rather throw his life away because of his pride. At the very end of the play, Proctor is sent to death, and Hale implores to Elizabeth, "Woman, plead with him! Woman! It is pride, it is vanity. Be his helper! -what profit him to bleed? Shall the dust praise him" (Miller 145). Reverend Hale cries these words out to Elizabeth Proctor to get her to convince John Proctor to plead guilty. But John decided to die as repentance for his original sin of adultery. As spoken by literary expert Brett Bigbie,