Emily Dickinson Alliteration

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Pages: 11

1. Alliteration
• Definition-.
• Please provide an example from “Because I Could Not Stop for Death.”
• Briefly explain why you feel the use of alliteration is important in this poem. o Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound or letter near one another. An example of alliteration in “Because I could Not Stop for Death” is in the line “We passed the setting sun”. Alliteration is important to this poem as Dickinson showed the progression of the day. She used alliteration to describe the time line of her nearing death.

2. Personification
• Definition
• Choose an example from “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.”
• Briefly explain how personification enhances the poem. o Personification is a nonhuman object possessing qualities of a living
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Hyperbole can been seen in “ The Passionate Shepherded to His Love” when Marlowe writes, “ And I will make thee beds or roses And a thousand fragrant posies A cap of flowers, and a kirtle Embroidered all with leaves.” The over exaggerated description of flowers enchased this poem by showing the shepherds love, that the land is bountiful with beauty just like her. The land can grow things in which he will be ever to care for her with.

6. Simile
• Definition
• Choose a simile from Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 130
• Briefly explain what is being compared and the significance of it as it relates to the poem. o Simile is the comparison of two object usually using the word as. A simile can be found in “Sonnets 130” by Shakespeare in the opening line. Shakespeare writes, “My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;” he is comparing the beauty of nature to the lack of beauty he sees in his mistress. 7. Repetition
• Definition
• Provide an example from “The Lamb”
• How does the use of repetition enhance the poem? o Repetition is doing, saying or writing something multiple times, a reiteration. The use of repetition can be seen in “The Lamb”, when Blake writes, “Little Lamb, who made thee? Dost though know who made thee?” This statement is made twice in the 20 line poem. Using this series of questions over and over shows the reader the main question Blake wants answers