Equality, Diversity And Rights In Health And Social Care

Submitted By janeadekoya
Words: 2137
Pages: 9

Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care
In the health and social care equality, diversity and rights is very important because it ensures that people are not treated unevenly because of their race, gender, age or religion. In this assignment I will be explain the key terminology of equality, diversity and rights in health and social care and giving examples to illustrate how these terms can effect a person negatively or positively.
Benefits of Diversity
The benefits of diversity affects everyone’s lives as well as health and social care settings.
The arts provides ways of bringing diversity to a large audience. For example, films that are made in other countries illustrates different range of cultures from around the world. Museums, exhibitions and theatre performances also give a clear understanding of varies cultures around the world. Also giving an experience of contemporary world culture.
An individual's diet is very important in a health and social care setting as different peoples likes and dislikes have to be taken into consideration when planning people’s diet. An increases number of people are enjoying diets which contain of herbs and spices for example, Indian, Mexican and Chinese.
In school curriculum a range of diverse cultures are being explored and valued. The education system has benefited from people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, making positive changes in relation to diversity. In addition to equality, diversity and rights training in health and social care settings has increased and is a very important part of training. Education is an importance in helping to get rid of ignorance about diversity.
Speaking a second language can be very beneficial for health and social professionals as it can give them a chance for the staff to work abroad if they feel the need to. People who speak a variety of languages are wanted in health and social care settings, especially for those who cannot speak English.
Cultural Enrichment
Benefits of diversity brings cultural enrichment through diversity, and will improve life for everyone, both those who work in health and social care settings, and those who use the services.
Tolerance is the ability to tolerate individuals of opinions/behaviour that people may disagree with. Tolerance is the important quality to have when working with people who you don't get on well with.
Social Cohesion When a social group or community sticks together this is called social cohesion. This may be made by a number of reasons, which includes ethnicity. This provides an understandable and safe environment, and a group that sticks together. In health and social care settings, Staff need to form this type of bond because working in teams requires members to show respect and value each individual.
Employment and Expertise
It is essential to realise, especially in health and social care settings that patients come from a wide range of diverse backgrounds and is therefore important that organisations reflect this. For example, the Race Relations Act 2000, promoted race equality, equally of opportunity and good race relations, to help build an appropriate diverse workforce.
Equality is the concept that every individual should be given the equal right and opportunities. In health and social care environment it is essential that the staff meet the needs of all patients from all types of backgrounds. The patients should not be treated any less than anyone someone else due to their religion or belief. For example, at a fertility clinic a doctor cannot refuse to help a couple because they do not have the same religious beliefs as themselves, this would be against the law. In order to prevent this from happening the government brought in the equality act in October 2010 which protects which stops people from being discriminated.