Essay On Prison Reform

Words: 791
Pages: 4

The prison reform will help improve the dysfunctional and disorganized system in prisons. A reform means something society/politicians want to bring change in the economy in order to improve it. Too many Americans get stuck in the prison system and the prison system needs change to help more Americans stay out of prison. Prisons profit an abundance of wealth from imprisoning people and do very little to none to really help rehabilitate prisoners. If the prison system really helped to keep Americans safe then they would use the profit they make to help rehabilitate the prisoners so they do not end up coming back to jail. Instead, they built an industry off of imprisoning people for profit. The prison reform would have a positive effect on helping reduce the number of people in prisons and help get prisoners get the help they really need to get rehabilitated.
Over 2.1 million Americans currently live in federal or state prisons and local jails. In China, they have 1.6 million people held in prisons and they have a population four times as large as the
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Instead of just locking them up in a cell, isolating them in a small cage like animals, teach them to be more civilized so criminals wouldn’t be criminals anymore. “In practice, few if any prisoners actually received the benefits of psychotherapy”(Stanley). If prisons did help rehabilitate criminals then fewer people in prisons for shorter sentences and more effective in a more positive, than locking them up for a long not really effective time imprisoned. Even after criminals come out of paying their debt in prison their citizenship is diverted from them, making it almost impossible for them to get a job to turn their life around. There needs to be a better way for criminals to learn how to turn their life