Essay On The Salem Witch Trials

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Pages: 4

The Salem Witch Trials
The Salem witch trials were one of the darkest events in American history, which was a result of events that occurred or it was belief of the Puritans in Salem, which caused trouble for hundreds of people who were either prosecutors or victims which left behind a broken city.
There are many events that led to the Salem witch trials. The first event that is bigger than some of the others is their belief that Satan was acting in the world. The reason why that is one of the biggest events is because the Puritans believed in the existence of witches and witchcraft. This was according to the belief that witches were in alliance with the devil. The next big event that led to these trials was teenage boredom. This is a theory
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The main one is nineteen hanged, one crushed to death, two hundred accused, and two dogs executed. Another outcome was that it left the city with fewer people all so causing a lot heartache for the city. The trials all so left the city dived and broken with no one to trust. The trials also broke families as well as leaving families without someone to carry on the family name or with a mother or father in the children of that family’s life. The trials caused many people to leave Salem or feel guilty for what they did during the trials. Historians had many different interpretations of the events in the Salem witch trials. Some historians thought that hysteria was a reason for the trials. They also thought that fear was another reason for the trials. The reason they considered the thought of fear for a reason is because of the area along with what surrounded the area in which the Puritans lived and what situations they had to face. So this is how historians interpret the events of the Salem witch trials and what the outcomes of the Salem witch trials were.
The Salem witch trials were a very dark time in history for America. The events in which the Puritans created that led to the trial. The people involved in the trials as prosecutors or victims. Also what the outcomes of the hard trials were. The way historians interpreted the events of the trials. This all played a part in the Salem witch trials of 1692 which was one of America