Essay On Their Eyes Were Watching God

Words: 638
Pages: 3

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, tells a story about a woman named Janie who was looking for her true love. The story takes place in rural Florida, at a time in which women stereotypes were commonly used. I liked this book because it had a great theme and the way the story was told had a great structure as the author used different writing tools to keep the reader engaged. In the book, Zora Neale characterizes each character by giving each one of them a different way of thinking. This helps the reader relate and understand the way the character feels. Another way that the reader can understand is through the different mood and imagery used in each scenario. For example, when the book describes the man Janie and her husband saw when they were running from the lake, it gives details explaining that the man was hanging from a cypress tree on a small island. It also described the roof of a building hanging from branches by the electricity wires that the wind swung back and forth (192). All this details provide the reader with a clear picture of what Janie saw at that moment and it sets a dark mood which helps understand this scenario. Symbolism is also strong since the first chapter, which the author starts by saying that “Ships at a distance have every man’s board. For some they come in with a tide. For …show more content…
The way Zora Neale structured the story helped the reader stay engaged and relate to it. The author also helps the reader picture what is happening in the story using imagery and describing the situation the characters go through with detail. All these factors are what made the book a great book and developed overall theme revolved around Janie’s pursuit of happiness. I enjoyed this book because it always kept me wondering what was going to happen next in Janie’s path and the fact that it is realistic as everyone must go through many obstacles in