Ethos Pathos Logos In Animal Farm

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Pages: 2

Orwell's Animal Farm an allegory, because all the event and characters in animal farm are the same with what happen in Russia Revolution. For example Mr. Jones the master of the animal farm represent Czar Nicholas, likewise other animals, Old Major, the founder of animalism, who represents Karl Marx, Snowball and Napoleon the two animal who never been in agreement, represent Leon Trotsky and Napoleon Josef Stalin, who were fighting for power.
Logos, Pathos, Ethos and Anaphora are the rhetorical component use in the allegory. Examples; Old Major used logos as a means to convinced the animal, by appealing to the animal telling them the fact, the truth about the nature of their life, when he say " now comrade what is the nature of this life of
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He said man is the only creature that consumed without producing He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all animal. Old major used pathos to persuade the animal in order to invoked the animal sympathy, he wants the animals to feel what he is felt. And the Beast of England song too is a pathos that he used to persuade the animals to inspired their anger. He even told them that he is about to die (pathos).
Squealer is another animal that uses Ethos to convinced the animals, by trying to make the believe in the leader "comrade Napoleon, that he is a good leader. Old Major used the repetition of clause in the story, when he repeated the clause "No animal in England" that is (anaphora).
It allegory is different to the non friction, by the fact that there is no similarity between human being and animal. Animals were just used in the stead of human being. human ways of life, thinking and feelings are different from the animals.
It is successful, because the way Orwell fables the story by using the animals to represent the people's characters and the event of the Russia Revolution, the reader find it fun and easy to grasp it concept. So he made it for all ages to read and enjoy the animal