European Influence On Native Americans

Words: 420
Pages: 2

Native Americans have influenced many areas of the development of the United States. Some of these things existed long before the arrival of the European settlers on North American land. These tribes established how to hunt, fish, plant crops, trade and even developed their own religion. They lived well without working hard, because they were people who adjusted well to their specific regions and made use of all the natural resources available. If the Native Americans had not been on this land first, the European settlers might not have survived the harsh winters, learned how to plant crops, or even own land. Many times, when we discuss or think about the Native Americans, the first thing that comes to mind is the bad things, but the Indians contributed numerous positive things to the New World. The Native Americans established their own values many years before the first European settlers arrived. The different tribes each had a special kind of religion, and a strong spiritual belief, which reflected on their honor of nature and the earth. The Indians also had highly developed trade and without their help, Europeans could not have carried on the profitable trade in pelts and skins. Actually, the Indians and the Europeans became economically dependent on each …show more content…
The Europeans wanted more and more of the Indians land and there was a price to pay for this. First was King Philips War (1675-1676), which had permanent affects between the relations the Native Americans had with the Europeans. First, trade declined and when the Indians ran out of merchandise to trade they had to barter with their land. Second, the idea that Indians and whites could not live together peaceably was emphasized. Finally, the defeat of the Native Americans resulted in languages, culture, and religious beliefs to decline because so many Indians were