Examples Of Ambition In Frankenstein

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Pages: 3

Ambition is the determination or extreme desire to accomplish or achieve a specific goal. Everyone has different levels of ambition and this is a factor that allows certain people to obtain much higher levels of success than others. Ambition is not always a good thing, an ambition too high can cause serious problems and one too low will severely limit life opportunities. In Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein creates a living creature built out of dead human body parts which to many would seem impossible. It took two years of hard work and determination for Victor to finally succeed and it was his ambition that gave him the capability to do such an amazing thing. Though it was a remarkable achievement, he was unable to care for and control the creature so it ran away destroying so many lives. Also, in Othello, by Shakespeare, Iago wants revenge on Othello for him promoting Michael Cassio rather than him. Iago’s desire for revenge causes Othello to kill his wife he loves most and then kill himself. With enough ambition almost any goal is achievable but an …show more content…
After Frankenstein succeeds in his creation he says, “I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.” (chapter 5) This is Frankenstein beginning to realize the mistake he has made because he sees no beauty in what he has built. After Victor is disgusted with the creature he has abandoned it leaving it to a life of misery. After it realizes the betrayal it had gone through it turns from good too bad and kills many innocent people. Though these people were killed by the creature and not victor, it is Victor who is responsible and this fact leaves him to live a life full of