Examples Of Punishment In Dante's Inferno

Words: 306
Pages: 2

In Dante's Inferno every sinner has a punishment that fits the crime they did in their life. In the seventh circle murderers that were violent with others were punished in this circle there was 3 different kinds of rings.The outer ring of the seventh circle contained murders. For instance in canto 11 it says “ A death by violence, and painful wounds, Are to neighbour given: and substance Ruin, and arson, and injurious levies:.” (Line 35). With this in mind, it shows that people who killed others or violate others were punished fairly. They were punished in the way that they sank into the bloody river with fire. Since these murders killed people they should be in bloody till infinity. Also in canto 8 it says “The fire eternal That kindles them