Executive Branch Research Paper

Words: 618
Pages: 3

Brooke Ward

Which Branch of Government Has the Most Power?

Our Government is made up of three branches. The first one is the Legislative branch, this branch makes laws, approves presidential appointments, can declare war, and they make the money, along with raising it and spends it. The next branch of government is the Executive branch. This branch can sign laws, veto laws, pardon people, and the president gets re-elected every four years. The final branch is the Judicial Branch. They decide if laws are constitutional, can overrule other judges, and the judges are appointed by the president. Each branch has a way to check each other to make sure one branch doesn’t have more power than the other. However could a branch have more power than the others? The Legislative Branch has a lot of power. They may just have more power than the rest of the branches. Members of congress, can introduce bills into the house or the senate. Congress can also override the president's veto. If the majority of congress votes against the president, then they will go with whatever congress votes for rather than the president vote against it. Section 1 article declares that: “All legislative powers here in granted shall be vested in a congress of the
United States.” (ThisNation 1). It is ultimately congress that determines the content of
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This is a huge power. They can pretty much decide if we are going to put people in harm’s way by sending our troops to war. If they do end up declaring war on another country, then they can make rules concerning on captures of land and water. They also can raise and support armies. The Legislative branch also has control of the United States money, so they can fund the troops. They also have the power to maintain a navy. By having control of the navy, they have a humongous power advantage over the other two branches. The Legislative is in control if we win new land or lose