Exodus 20: The Mosaic Law

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Pages: 4

The story of Moses is found in Exodus 20. His life consists of a variety of events that encouraged the Israelites to look for the Savior promised by God. At the time of Moses, the Egyptians were scared of being overtaken by the Israelites. The Pharaoh demanded them to stop multiplying. When enslaving them did not work, he ordered his soldiers to kill all the baby boys or throw them into the Nile River. The families had to look for a Savior during this crisis. Moses’ mother, Miriam, didn’t want such harm done to him, so she laid him into a woven basket and sent him down the Nile. The mother had faith that her child would be carried by the water safely to somewhere else. The basket drifts where the daughter of the Pharaoh finds him and adopts him as her own.
Years go past and Moses fled to the land of Midian for killing an Egyptian who was whipping an Israelite. God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush. He reveals that His name is “Yahweh” which
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The 10 Commandments given by God were for the Israelites to know what was right and wrong. The Israelites were idolizing other gods, so God gave them rules to follow. Since they were afraid to hear God’s voice, Moses was to communicate for Him. The 10 Commandments are divided into Original Holiness and Original Justice to please Him and give Him glory in society. Some Commandments under Original Holiness, meaning to have a perfect relationship with God, by not saying God’s name in vain, keep Holy the Sabbath day, and refraining from worshipping gods. Other Commandments go under Original Justice, meaning to have a perfect relationship with Creation, are honor (obey/respect) your father and mother, you shall neither kill, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness (lie) against your neighbor, nor covet (envy) your neighbor’s house or wife. Mankind is given these rules in order to follow the path that leads directly to