Explain Two Ways Of Getting To Your Local Emergency Room

Words: 560
Pages: 3

Emergency Room
There are two ways of getting to your local emergency room. One way is by car and the second way is by ambulance. If someone is not sore, for ex., Joe fell and broke his leg, he can be carried to the car and taken to a hospital. Or if he is seriously sore, For Ex., third degree burns, call 911 and the ambulance will come to his house and pick him up and drive him to the hospital.
At the emergency room, what happens after arriving at the ER? In the emergency room, Joe is going to sign at the front desk. If the patient is sick, they will be taken in. If the patient isn’t sick, he will wait until they call him in.
When Joe is called, he will be taken to a medical nurse. Joe might have his temperature taken, etc. And he will have