Fahrenheit 451 Censorship Essay

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Pages: 5

Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel, set in an authoritarian and dystopian society. The initial draw to reading the book was the controversy surrounding it. Because the novel is about the censorship in general (books in specifics), it’s ironic it has been banned in several schools across the USA. Also the book has been recommended to me several times over the past years, even my father said it was a “great read”, so finally I decided to pick it up. I’ve read several dystopian set books and stories involving some sort of censorship in them, however none have come close to the thought provoking read that Fahrenheit 451 is.
The most important characters in the story are Guy Montag, Captain Beatty, and Clarisse McClellan.
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Beatty tells Montag every fireman begins to wonder at some point in their career about books and if they should really be burned. He shares the history of books being banned and how they’re really just filled with lies that cause unhappiness in people. Beatty realizes Montag has kept a stash of books and allows him 24 hours to read them however the next day he must burn them.
Montag begins reading through his stash of books, with his wife Millie, who cares nothing for them, finding them to be a waste of time and wants to be watching her “family” on the TV just like everyone else. He continues to read the books, while longing for a mentor to teach him the lessons the books are trying to convey. So, he searches for a retired english professor he’d met in the past named Faber and visits him.
Together they begin reading and Faber tells Montag that is not just important to read the books but to have the freedom to execute their ideas. They concoct a plan to overthrow the status quo, Faber will contact a printer to reproduce books and Montag will stash books in firefighter’s house, so they will be burned. Thier plan is to slowly destroy the oppressive society from the inside