Fahrenheit 451 Literary Analysis

Words: 453
Pages: 2

A lyric in Slowtown by Twenty One Pilots tells a person, “We’re going to fast fast save us”. This means that Tyler Joseph, the singer, is scared that everyone is moving fast and he really thinks we should slow down. Even though the society in Fahrenheit 451 moves to fast, one can take away that they need to slow down in life. In schools around the globe they let the students ask questions about the topic they are learning. The students are also encouraged to THINK DEEPER and to take their time learning a skill. Numerous students will grow up knowing more than just basic in our society. However, in Fahrenheit 451 the students don’t get to dig deeper in their learning. They just get the answers no questions, “... they just run the answers at you, bing, bing, bing…” (Bradbury 29). While Clarisse skips school she tells Montag about how school isn’t interesting and meaningless. In that society everything even learning goes quick, nevertheless here learning takes time and can’t be rushed. …show more content…
With the help of Clarisse, Montag realizes that he does not have real love. There is something between them, ”Well wasn’t there a wall between him and Mildred when you came down to it?”(Bradbury 44). With all the technology today many think they have real friendships just because they are friends on Facebook. Most of the time they don’t even talk to them outside of technology. According to Simon Sinek’s video on millennials he talks about how this generation can not connect deeply because the use of technology and it prohibits them to make real connections. People get so worked up in their “friends” it is just like how everyone in Fahrenheit 451 believes they’re in