Four Day School Week Research Paper

Words: 380
Pages: 2

To the Moniteau Co. R-I School Board,

For the students of California High School, having a four day school week is a repugnant idea. While students could have a three day weekend and get much needed sleep, the four day school week is not a grand idea because students who work after school would have to work later shifts, younger children will not have much time to play outside, and time after school for student-athletes will become harder to manage.
If school were to get out later, students who work after school would have to start working later shifts. Supposing students then begin to work later shifts, they will come to school tired and focus less on their school work. Also, for student athletes, practices and games would begin later in the day making games and practices start at a later time as well, which means they end all of these at a later time, and students would have to stay up later to do homework, find time to eat supper, have shorter hours to work and earn money, and family time would have to be shortened. Seeing this, managing time as an athlete would become more difficult than it already is. Taking those facts in, also take into consideration that elementary aged
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Students that have learning disabilities sometimes need extra help with their work at school. Having only four days of school may affect the learning process of students with special needs that have already been instructed to them so far. Some students need those five days to help them remember and learn what they are being taught.
The five day school week the Moniteau County School already has works well for students. Changing this by making it a four day school week means younger students will not have much time to play outside, students who work later shifts would have to make them even later shifts, and managing time as a student athlete will become more