Framers Principles

Words: 434
Pages: 2

The Framers of the Constitution of the United States of America showed both wisdom and forethought when establishing the five principles which form the foundation of the federal system of government. By studying the history of governmental systems and also anticipating potential future challenges, they were able to predict complications, and in response they set checks and balances in place in order to restrict the abuses of power. These five principles including: popular sovereignty, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and limited government when followed help to ensure the protection of each citizen's fundamental rights. Unfortunately, due to the refusal of some who hold positions of authority to follow the constitutional mandates, various serious, grievous injustices and abuses of power have occurred in recent years. The first principle, popular sovereignty, was a high priority for the Framers. The opening words …show more content…
Individual freedom was held as a higher standard than governmental control, and in fact, those who serve were intended to work for the people. In the six weeks that they spent drafting the Preamble and the Constitution, men from different political persuasions, socioeconomics and religions came together and spelled out their goals in writing. These goals, which ensured popular sovereignty were to be applied to all Americans, although it took some time before that was effectively accomplished; some might even argue that has not effectively happened yet. The first goal "to establish justice" was set to avoid problems similar to those they had faced in the past, including: religious persecution, taxation without representation, and lack of personal liberty ( ). Dealing with the residual effects of Shay's Rebellion and internal uprisings within the country, "insuring domestic tranquility" became the second goal