Francis Scott Key's The Star-Spangled Banner

Words: 801
Pages: 4

On September 13, 1814, Francis Scott Key wrote the ‘Star-Spangled Banner’, which initially began as a poem that was later set to music, and became America’s national anthem( Its original title as a poem was “The Defence of Fort McHenry”, and it was recorded after Key witnessed the Maryland fort being bombarded by the British during the War of 1812 ( The song was inspired by the lone U.S. flag still soaring over Fort McHenry( In recent years, fans and athletes have been disrespecting the playing of the national anthem. Playing “The Star-Spangled Banner” before every sporting event has been a grand old tradition since 1942, but according to some sports fans and athletes, so is disrespecting the flag and the song (Andrews/Barbash); However, there is NO excuse to disrespect the anthem of the country that provides you with freedom (Andrews/Barbash). …show more content…
It’s just a tradition, to respect the flag and country when it comes to the playing of the national anthem. Most fans at sporting events stop whatever they were doing to listen to the playing of the anthem before the game they’re about to watch. However, some other people think that doing other things such as talking to friends, walking around the stadium, or worse during the song, is more important than placing their hand over their heart and listening to the playing of our national anthem. This is showing disrespect for the flag, the country, and the people who serve for our