Friday Night Lights Book Report

Words: 798
Pages: 4

Friday night lights, A book based on a true story about a highschool football team located in a small city in Texas Called Odessa. The book goes over the details of the Permian Panther’s 1988 football season that involves a lot of drama as they pursue for a state championship. The author begins by giving a short background on the small town and explains how the only thing that this town really has is their oil and football. Their high school football team does good every year, therefore they are expected to also do good this year. The author also explains how these high school players are seen and treated as royalty, for example, the reader can notice this in the event that is hosted by the school every year known as the watermelon feed. The author begins by introducing some of the players on the team such as Boobie an African american who has a lot of skill on the field but lacks academic …show more content…
Other than the fact that the story takes place in a town in Texas, The story itself shows alot of elements that are similar to the “texan attitude”, first would be the aspect of football because of the way that it is presented in the book; Texas is a state that takes football very serious in the big leagues and sub leagues such as high school football. The book explains how the whole town would show support for the local team, and this is something that can be noticed a lot in texas, for example it is not rare at all to go out and see some sort of thing relating to football. Texas has two nfl teams and it is noticeable when they play against each other because everyone is outside representing their teams. The popularity is also noticeable in the lower leagues such as high school football, for example nowadays a school hosts many pep rallies that are made mostly for football before their games. Lastly, football really titles schools at different levels just based on the performance by their football