Gender Role In Depression

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Pages: 2

Diagnosis. Diagnosis is the process of determining the circumstances of a situation through examination. Diagnosing depression is a complex procedure and requires multiple different types of examination. First, a physical examination is done by a family physician (Moragne, 2001). If this doctor discovers there is no physical problem with the patient, they may recommend a mental health professional (Moragne, 2001). This mental health professional will gather information from both the patient and the patient’s family to gather the complete patient history (Moragne, 2001). Categories of patient history include developmental history, medical history, psychological history, educational history, and family history (Moragne, 2001). The psychologist or psychiatrist will also conduct psychological tests and interviews before finally making a diagnosis for the patient (Moragne, 2001). They want to be absolutely certain before they come forward with what may be considered a heavy diagnosis.
Past Studies on Gender’s Role in Depression In the past, researchers have attempted to discover gender’s role in depression. However, not all of them agree on what is true about this topic. Some say that there is a clear indicator that women are more depressed than men, and further that women
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Further, it was found that although both genders reported having symptoms of depression, females reported more severity in these symptoms (Moreh & O’Lawrence, 2016). Neitzke (2015) goes on to say that we must “understand women’s experience of depression as different,” which supports the statement that women experience more severe symptoms of depression (p. 71). Now, this does not mean that men do not experience depression, it, however, supports the fact that women experience depression more often and with more severe