Germinating Seeds Lab

Words: 515
Pages: 3

Data tables 1 and 2 showed that germinating seeds consumed the most oxygen. The germinating peas specifically consumed more oxygen than the germinating corn. The dry seeds used not nearly as much oxygen as the germinating seed. The beads did not use any oxygen at all. The respiration rates from highest to lowest using table 3 were germinating peas, germinating corn, dry corn, and dry peas.
The results supposed the hypothesis that if the germinating seeds consume more oxygen than the dry seeds, then the rate of respiration is higher in germinating seeds. It was shown in data table 3 that the seeds that consumed the most oxygen had the higher respiration rates. It can be inferred that the seeds that are growing need a vast amount of
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In order to do this I could set up the same experiment as this one, but change the temperature of water. I would run two trials one in warmer water 65oC and the other trial in 2oC water. My hypothesis would be that the respiration rate in colder water will be much lower than respiration rate in warmer water. This is because when it is warm gaseous oxygen particles spread out more and in cold conditions the oxygen condenses. The idea can from Siegenthaler and Douet-Orhant (1994), they did an experiment at three imbition times for onion seeds at 5, 10, and 15oC. It would be interesting to compare my results with theirs. In addition to testing the effects of temperature, one could study what would happen if we just used more dry seed to equal the volume of the germinating seeds instead of beads. In order to do this experiment, the experiment above would be run and whatever volume that is used for the germinating seeds will be used for dry seeds too without the addition of beads. I would hypothesize that the dry seeds will have a respiration rate much closer to the germinating seeds. This is because the volume of drys seeds has increased there for there will be more respiration