Got Milk Essay

Submitted By olympicia08
Words: 359
Pages: 2

Noah Trinz
English 110
First Day Essay

The Dunphy family of ABC’s Modern Family appears to be a normal family posing for a family portrait. However, when I look at this photo, I immediately recognize that the entire family has white milk mustaches. With the milk mustaches in mind I search the photo for something that would answer the question: Why does this family have those milk mustaches? I turn my attention towards the wife and I notice she is holding a glass of milk. As I look at the wife my eyes are directed towards the bold slogan above her, which reads “got milk?”. My next thought is to read the writing above the famous slogan. That writing refers to the father “Phil” who likes to act like a parent but talk like a peer to his children. But when it is time for Phil to be an adult he pours himself a glass of milk hoping his kids will follow his lead.

This ad is designed for families with children. They use the Modern Family cast because they are people we can relate too. There is a husband and wife with their two daughters and one son. As they sit on the couch, I notice the blue wall behind them where there are family photos. This is significant because most families hang up photos of each other and loved ones. As I continue to analyze the photo I realize the “got milk?” slogan is in white just like the color of milk. This is a subconscious clue to drink more milk. When I see a white liquid in a glass I directly correlate it with milk. This is the