Government Control In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

Words: 783
Pages: 4

Most of today's american politics revolves around issues with government power. How much should they aide others? How much influence should the government have over people’s affairs? Republicans want to limit government involvement, while democrats wish to increase its involvement. Going to the extreme in either direction would create a disaster of our society and economy. Too far to the right and chaos would erupt. Too far the the left and people lose their rights. In Brave New World Aldous Huxley paints a world where the government has complete control over every single aspect of society. From where you work to who you have relationships with, the the World State dictates every step you take. Even what you look like and how you are made is operated by government workers. Huxley uses the World State’s total control over its population to show the dangers of extreme government control in our society. Today, there hundreds of regulations and restrictions that the government has placed on its populace. Some are good such as mandated conservation of water. However; every big change starts small and can grow out of proportion. The World State’s ability to control how you will be before birth, and place you into a cast is seen as immoral in our society, but as the DHC says, “Bokanovsky’s process is one of the major instruments of social stability” (Huxley 7). Though it is true that their society is stable, it comes at a cost to the rights of every single citizen of the World State. Others say that the people of the World State are very happy, even without rights. However this blissful …show more content…
With a complete loss of relationships and individuality in their society, new issues become highlighted in ours. Our government is continually growing in power. This is not always a bad thing. However, to prevent a dystopian future and create a better tomorrow, we must prevent our individuality from being chained by higher