Growth Mindset Essay

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Pages: 3

I believe that growth mindsets are vey important because with a good attitude you can achieve anything in life. If you have a positive attitude you will be happier and have a better outlook on life and even on life problems. The reason I believe this is because at dance I couldn't do a split at the beginning of the year, but with determination and practice now I can do one. My dance teacher, Ms. Crystal helped me to do a split by helping me stretch and to use my stretch band properly. A few weeks ago I could not get the choreography right for one part of the production dance. I stead of quitting and having a negative mindset, I worked on the dance at home with friends to make sure the dance was perfect for next Saturday. I believe if you are …show more content…
A time in my life where I experienced failure is at Believe Dance Competition Nationals in Savannah, Georgia. My entire team was excited to compete because of how hard we had worked to get to Nationals, the real reason why we were so excited was because we wanted to win a national title. But however that day was not our day, at awards we got second place. That day was not our best day because I didn't fell like I danced the best I could have. I believe that us losing at National’s made us a stronger team because we learned that we need to work harder next year. According to Muhammad Ail in his essay “I’m sill the Greatest” He says “In 1984, I was conclusively diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Since that diagnosis, my symptoms have increased and my ability to speak in audible tones has diminished. If there was anything that would strike at the core of my confidence in myself, it would be this insidious disease. But my confidence and will to continue to live life as I choose won’t be compromised.” Muhammad way have not been able to over come Parkinson’s disease but he did not let his disease, define if he failed or not in his life. By learning about growth mind set I learned that with a good mindset anything is possible, and that if I keep a positive attitude I can life a happy and successful life. Also by learning about failure, I now