Hepatic Dysfunction Lab Report

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Pages: 7

Hepatic dysfunction is considered an indication poor liver function. Detection of hepatic dysfunction depends on the lab tests such as: - Measure bilirubin level, Elevated aspartate aminotransferase or alkaline phosphatase, prothrombin time, albumina serum and blood sample test. (8)
Hepatic dysfunction is considering an indication of determination of the liver function. Some of medication when taken in overdose may cause damage in the liver. On one hand Chemical material like this used in the industries and the laboratories, this chemicals are called hepatotoxins, and the other hand hepatic dysfunction could be happened due to biological causes. (9)
Hepatotoxicity indicates to liver injury and liver dysfunction resulting from drug
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In case of chronic liver disease also mitochondrial AST is increased.

There are three types of aminotransferases elevations:-
1. Sever elevation of aminotransferases: (More than 20 times).
Increase level of Aspartate aminotransferase and Alanine aminotransferase in most of liver diseases. In case of hepatitis, toxin or drug which caused liver necrosis and circulatory shock this reason for increase in ALT and AST enzymes.
2. Moderate elevation of aminotransferases: - (From 3 to 20 times).
In case of acute hepatitis, hepatitis newborn, chronic hepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis, drug that caused hepatitis, alcohol hepatitis and acute biliary tract obstructions cause moderate elevated of ALT and AST. Alanine aminotransferase increase is usually much more compared with Aspartate aminotransferase only in chronic liver disease.
3. Mild elevation of aminotransferases: - (from one to three times).
In the case of newborn hepatic inflammation that cause sepsis, extra-hepatic biliary atresia [EHBA], liver cirrhosis, drug toxicity, muscle inflammation and muscular dystrophy usually seen increases ALT and
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Hepatitis A can provide an image of cholestasis with noted and long-term Itching and high alkaline phosphatase. Found high levels of serum of intestinal alkaline phosphatase (ALP ) in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, especially with type O blood type, and can be can be linked particular with the disease within the liver instead of the extrahepatic obstruction. In some of disease such as liver and bone metastasis can cause high levels of the alkaline phosphatase. Also other diseases such as infiltrative liver disease, cysts, and amyloidosis can cause high alkaline phosphatase. Found high levels of the alkaline phosphatase in the liver cirrhosis and