Historical Accuracy Of The Movie 'The Patriot'

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Pages: 2

Have you ever seen the movie called The Patriot? Do you think it’s actually accurate? The Patriots have been a successful movie viewed by many social studies classes to teach the students to show how the revolutionary was impacted people of that time in history. The movie The Patriot was somewhat historically accurate because the movie is based on the patriots view, some characters were different, and the difference of the Battle of Cowpens.

First, The Patriot is somewhat historically accurate is because of the film being based on the patriots view on the wars. This proves that the movie was biased. The view of the loyalist was very cruel and cold-hearted people burning down churches and hanging people. The loyalist actually acted very protective of their king and England. They obeyed the commands that the king gave them. If the loyalist did anything harsh to the colonist, then they would be in the wrong. So, they just tried to keep peace between them and the colonist. Just look at the title for insistence, it’s titled The Patriot. This movie was made to glorify the Independence America fought for in this country's early time. This isn’t fair because we cannot get the loyalist perspective of losing the war or how they felt.

Then, the characters were viewed in different ways from what history tells us. First off, the patriots and
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Another big difference about the characters were Benjamin Martin. The whole film was viewed from his perspective and how he turn into a solider to a complete violent person that wanted revenge for his sons Gabriel and Thomas death. Then, Benjamin was suppose to be the Swamp Fox , Francis Marlon. Why change his name to Benjamin? Wouldn’t it confuse the audience? Benjamin Martin was based on Francis Marlon. Francis was the lead character, but since of all the controversy, the made it more dramatic then came up with